Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Busy Busy Bee

Its been 2 weeks since I last wrote a post. But I need to keep my word and do better with posts so that's what I'll do. Starting a new job has been pretty stressful. But I like it. I like the people, the food, and even the hours. Anyone who has ever worked in the restaurant industry knows the real deal. But its a great place. And this place will hopefully help me for now. I am in the process of saving money for my own apartment and just being financially stable for once. 

This weekend was busy, fun, and exhausting. Worked most of the weekend, but I was able to squeeze some free time in. I ended up getting to check out the last day of Charlotte Pride. Each year it gets bigger and bigger. It was nice to see all the love and positive vibes.

I also got the chance to head to a Panther game. Preseason, but still a good time! I'm a Giants fan through and through, but I still like to root for the home team (when they aren't playing my team of course).

Summer is coming to an end so I've been trying to get a couple more fun things in. So I'm thinking a baseball game, brunch and maybe a couple more trips to the pool. School starts on Monday but the fun doesn't have to quite yet. Anyone have any other ideas of stuff I should do before Fall really hits?

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1 comment:

  1. Why do I feel like I had no idea you were a giants fan!? It makes me like you even more now!
